Monday, June 27, 2011

A Word from Viviana Afanador...

It's been about twenty four hours since the GEBC team left. Though I absolutely loved having them here, I kind of let out a sigh of relief. Teams are always exciting... and always exhausting. Though I wasn't with them 24/7, I still thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them and partner with them at a variety of ministries.

It's been a while since I've felt connected to Glen Ellyn Bible Church. Spending one semester in the Wheaton area four years ago, is hardly enough to maintain that connection. The majority of the friends I made four years ago are no longer at GEBC, and I need to remind myself that GEBC is still my family's home church even if it doesn't always feel like home.

However, getting to know this team of sixteen gave me more connections at church than I've had in a while. It was nice to see Fletch and Mama Jane and several other students again and it was great to meet so many other fabulous people. I look forward to seeing them around on my infrequent visits to GEBC during the semester.

During these last two weeks I was asked, "Does it feel weird to only be 19 and already be translating and leading teams?" I hesitated, but had to reply 'no.' Due to my parents' jobs I've found myself in many translating positions in the past. Though I've never actually led a team before, I was pretty involved with helping out with the logistics of the ministries we visited with the GEBC team. I absolutely LOVE being part of mission trips that come to Colombia. I LOVE watching the members experience Colombia for the first time. I LOVE knowing that for some, it isn't the first time, but fell in love with it on a previous trip.

My heart flutters when I see others gain a love for the Colombian people... for the country I love so deeply. I'm always encouraged to see North American teenagers give of themselves, selflessly serving people in need. I was impressed with this year's GEBC team-- their maturity and heart for God was evident. They had various obstacles in just two weeks-- being mugged, several health issues, etc-- and yet, they still were on fire, ready to serve God.

They were willing to be the seed that must die before it can bear much fruit.

Thanks for supporting them on this trip... your support of them supported us as well :)

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