Wednesday, June 29, 2011

TV Coverage

Hey Folks,

For those of you following our blog, please note the following link to a WGN TV story that covered our team.WGN Interview

We  are grateful for this opportunity.

Stay posted to see what God does next.

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Word from Beth Afanador...

The question came up more than once..."Do you like having teams come to Colombia?"  The answer was and is a firm YES!  Despite the preparation logistics and the more intense schedule and the concern for everything working out "right", it is a joy to have old and new friends come alongside us and serve in different ministries.

Having 16 more sets of hands and smiles and hugs to go around is a blessing.  Having creative programs, individual interaction, hands-on activities and specialized attention given to children and teens who are starving for input that makes them feel valued was a treat.   Physical resources like paint, food, transportation to activities, crafts and Bibles were also things to be thankful for.  Encouragement for leaders of ministries that are short on staff, resources, energy and ideas was a priceless gift.  Knowing that others are coming alongside ongoing ministries that Maranatha International Foundation or El Camino Academy already are investing in was a huge support.

But besides all that enthusiastic and caring team members gave to the different individuals in the ministries, that is not the only reason that I enjoy having teams come to work side-by-side with us.  As new foods are tried, new sights digested, new ideas considered, and new experiences processed, God is evidently doing a growing process in each visitor.  I love seeing those that come learn to love Colombia and to care about the needs here.  What a privilege to know that others will be praying, sharing, and looking for human and physical resources to invest here. Knowing that we can be a part in God's process of challenging and stretching others to be more radically involved in HIS world-wide plan for sharing his love and his message of reconciliation is a priceless privilege.

Connecting with the larger body of Christ and feeling loved, understood, encouraged, and challenged is part of the benefit for us to have teams join us for short periods.  Sincere questions and encouraging comments are ways we are blessed as others truly seek to understand our world.  Our family was personally blessed by your generosity and friendship.

THANK YOU Glen Ellyn Bible Church community for sending another wonderful team.  

A Word from Viviana Afanador...

It's been about twenty four hours since the GEBC team left. Though I absolutely loved having them here, I kind of let out a sigh of relief. Teams are always exciting... and always exhausting. Though I wasn't with them 24/7, I still thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them and partner with them at a variety of ministries.

It's been a while since I've felt connected to Glen Ellyn Bible Church. Spending one semester in the Wheaton area four years ago, is hardly enough to maintain that connection. The majority of the friends I made four years ago are no longer at GEBC, and I need to remind myself that GEBC is still my family's home church even if it doesn't always feel like home.

However, getting to know this team of sixteen gave me more connections at church than I've had in a while. It was nice to see Fletch and Mama Jane and several other students again and it was great to meet so many other fabulous people. I look forward to seeing them around on my infrequent visits to GEBC during the semester.

During these last two weeks I was asked, "Does it feel weird to only be 19 and already be translating and leading teams?" I hesitated, but had to reply 'no.' Due to my parents' jobs I've found myself in many translating positions in the past. Though I've never actually led a team before, I was pretty involved with helping out with the logistics of the ministries we visited with the GEBC team. I absolutely LOVE being part of mission trips that come to Colombia. I LOVE watching the members experience Colombia for the first time. I LOVE knowing that for some, it isn't the first time, but fell in love with it on a previous trip.

My heart flutters when I see others gain a love for the Colombian people... for the country I love so deeply. I'm always encouraged to see North American teenagers give of themselves, selflessly serving people in need. I was impressed with this year's GEBC team-- their maturity and heart for God was evident. They had various obstacles in just two weeks-- being mugged, several health issues, etc-- and yet, they still were on fire, ready to serve God.

They were willing to be the seed that must die before it can bear much fruit.

Thanks for supporting them on this trip... your support of them supported us as well :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Finishing Strong

Hey Friends,

God is still working in the barios of Bogota and we continue to be blown away by both need and opportunity. Most of yesterday was spent serving at an orphanage home for severely disabled and abandoned children. It was the fourth such place that we visited. Our service was a drop in the bucket but served to encourage the workers and move us greatly. Please accept our apologies for the delay in writing. The last blog entry was deleted after completion.

The team is heading downtown for some events with the children and a bit of personal time. In 48 hours we begin the big trip home. We look forward to sharing part of our story in both services at Glen Ellyn Bible Church on this Sunday.

You will find an exciting blog coming soon from Viviana for an outside of GEBC viewpoint.

Blessings and thanks for your continued prayer.

Monday, June 20, 2011

His mercies are new every morning... week two begins

Hola hola coca cola!

Today begins our second week here in Bogota, and what a great day it has been!
James 1:27-28 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

Worth smiling about:
Fletch received a precious Father's Day card from Geraldine--his self-proclaimed "new daughter" who was one of the life-giving orphans with whom we spent part of the day yesterday. :)

Team Uvas:
Due to a few members of the team staying back to rest and recuperate today, team uvas was down in numbers but still high in spirit and had a super day. Jane and Kate spent the morning with the teen girls at Penuelas--these are unwed mothers who spend anywhere from one year to three years in the program with support there. They enjoyed a time of sharing God's word and applying it to their lives as well as enjoying crafts and Bingo (with smarties as place holders, of course). Kate and Jane then met up with "Pablo" (Pravaas) and "Espencer" from team uvas in the afternoon at La Fundacion Internacional Maranata for a spectacular time with some of the children we have come to know and love sharing Bible stories, crafts and running around at the park.
Highlight for Jane: seeing a group of children crowd around Espencer on the floor to listen intently to his reading of "Old McDonald" and joining in for every "e-i-e-i-o" :)

Team Pinas: John jumped over to join team pinas for the day at a new ministry, "Fundacion tierra fertil" in Suba--another area of Bogota. This foundation serves at-risk children of the area, many of which come from families of single-mothers, recyclers (those who look through trash for things to re-sell in the city), and families struggling with addiction, and abuse of all kinds. Janet, the director spoke of the love the volunteers have for the children and the provision of God through lack of funding and destitution. J-Fos, Marci, Anna, Emma, Josh, Sammy, Elizabeth, and Linnea adapted to the high-energy atmosphere at the Fundacion. Not only running around, team pinas shared Bible stories, games and crafts, taught colors in English and received many hugs and questions about their lives. The team and the children look forward to another full day tomorrow!

Prayer por favor:
Maintaining health and strength to be able to fully serve and learn for the duration of this week
The children of the many ministries we have the privilege of  serving--provision in resources and strength for the staff
Patience, perseverance and positivity within our team as a whole
The truth of the Gospel in hope, healing and redemption to be proclaimed in word and deed
--praise for Laura's interview for a job today!

Muchisimas gracias y un abrazote!

We'll try to get some pictures up tomorrow.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Thanks to all the dads who have shared their kids with the needy in Bogota. Today after splitting into two teams to serve in local churches, we headed across the mountains to reach out to 50 kids who have no dads to celebrate with. Because of a variety of handicaps, these kids have been left to live at the orphanage. They don't get lots of visitors and today was a uniquely challenging time for them. Our team ran 4 square games, face painting, puzzles, made braided items, and most of all, gave out lots of hugs. It was a long drive but so worth our time. Our hearts are both full and broken all at the same time.

We have enjoyed good relationships, big challenges, and good food. Thanks to all of you for your prayer and support. Don't stop now because we need it more than ever. Also, write us some comments, we enjoy reading them.


Your Team Bogota
P.S. Yesterday was another good day. We served inner city kids who don't get much play time and positive touch from adults. We went from there up the mountain to the Y-wam home where we played games and ate dinner with over 20 foster kids. What a privilege. Oh, and we also watched the Colombian National Championship game on TV with the kids.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Victory in the Midst of Challenge

Hi Friends,

This morning's blog is one of interest and victory.

Earlier in the week Team Uvas (Pravaas, Ellie, Spencer, Kate, Erin, Sharon, Jane, and John) were held up by force when heading to the Outreach Center. No one was harmed but the experience was very un-nerving. We called the parents of the students involved, spent lots of time as a team debriefing, and adjusted our plans. The disappointment involved was that we could now not serve the children at the center because of safety concerns.

The local Christian workers and missionaries were dumbfounded and felt horrible for this event. Never in 15 years had this ever happened here. To send a message to those involved, the pastor closed the center until the stolen goods were returned. The pastor also pursued one on one visits seeking to reach out to the perpetrators. To many, the idea of the return of stolen goods was outright laughable and they figured the center was closed forever. This was not our goal. How would we reach this part of the city without being able to do ministry to the kids? We could not begin to imagine that yesterday, Friday would be one of THE best ministry days on a trip that I have ever experienced.
Beginning on Tuesday evening, we got word that the local pastor was doing visitation to the neighborhood to look into the theft. We then got word that the perpetrators felt horrible. They had broken the unwritten rule that they never hit anyone associated with the outreach center. They felt terrible to the point where they pursued getting back our stuff at peril to their own lives and reputations. God was obviously at work.
IN brief... we arranged a meeting this morning with Me, the pastor, Beth, Sharon Christensen, Jane, and Fletch. One of the leaders of the incident showed up and checked out the scene. He proceeded to apologize profusely (unheard of in the Colombian culture... plus it discredits his street credibility).
He went back with the pastor and rounded up everyone involved and we sat at the table. I spoke forgiveness in Espanol to them all regardless of what happened. We used the stolen wedding ring as a redemptive analogy. It had already been pawned and they could not get it back or repay its value to us. They wanted to repay us and get it back but were now unable. Our team shared that we all stand in this position before God. We owe a deubt of sin that only Jesus can pay on our behalf. This is the message of the gospel.
Fletch shared his story and Sharon offered the forgiveness of the students on our team. Jane prayed for them and extended God's love. We told them that the money they took was for the center. The impact was profound and forceful. They had never seen this radical kind of love before. 
7 of these tough young men pleaded with the pastor to keep the center open and not let their bad behavior bring an end to it. They gave back all they money that they could, some of the books/bibles, and some Colombian pesos and got the gospel full force in return.
We then had a powerful team meeting. We are all blown away. Beth said that some missionaries live an entire lifetime and never see anything like this. The pastor and all the workers were in tears as were many of those who held us up.
I would like to go public with this to give glory to God for what he has done. The parents of the students involved need to know that God has used this ugly incident for good. The crucifixion was ugly as well and it is THE premier event in the  history of the world. 
Back to work for now, we still have more people to serve.
For the Entire Team,
Pastor John Foster

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Not a lot of words today but we do have pictures





Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"I'm so good, I should write notes on myself"- Day 2 Missions

Hola amigos y familias....
    Today is day two of our Colombian missions. We awoke to beautiful, sunny skies and a delicious homecooked breakfast made with love by the lovelies Berta y Laura! After our group devotional time studying Acts chapter 4: 1-32, team Uvas (grapes) left for El Camino Academy and team Piñas (pineapples)  left for the unwed mothers home.
   Team Uvas spent the day doing physical labor at El Camino. As we arrived at the school, those of us who had done missions work in Bogota two years ago were in complete awe at the progress of the school's construction. The building is stunning. However, there is still much work to be done. Mama Jane, JFo, Sharon, Pravaas, Erin, Kate and I (Ellie) helped our three capitans: Isabel, Estel and Marta work on moving materials in the old building to the new, taking down cabinets, washing, and placing ceiling tiles. Please continue for unity and encouragement for the team.

          Team Piñas consists of Linnea, Fletch, Josh, Sammy, Emma, Elizabeth, Anna and I (Marci). The girls went to the unwed women's home in the morning and we told them the story of Moses. Emma and Anna did crafts with the girls. Also, Elizabeth was able to share her testimony in Spanish. It was amazing because we brought four Spanish Bibles and four women intentionally came up to us afterwards for those Bibles. Please pray that God can soften the hearts of these women and that they can be open to His will. The boys painted at the Foundation and the girls joined them in the afternoon to spend time with the kids. A few of us went with some kids to the park nearby and played while the rest were learning the story of Moses. We have loved spending time with them and look forward to tomorrow. Please be praying that the children will continue to hear the Word of God and team unity.

        Today was full of God's movement, beauty and mercies in Colombia. Working here is humbling, moving, strengthening and testing our group in amazing ways. We are incredibly thankful to God for all He has done and continues to do. Keep our team and the Colombians in your hearts and in your prayers.
                                                                                                      Besos y Abrazos-
                                                                                                       Marci y Ellie

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day Two

Good news, we arrived safely and were able to get 10 hours of sleep last night in preparation for our week of ministry. We had three hours in the morning to connect with one another, to connect with God, and to make final preparation for our ministry to children and adults on two sights. This is the best possible way to begin a trip.

We are seeking the Lord and what he has in store for every individal on this trip as well as our group as whole. As plans change for what we may be doing during the days, continue to pray for flexibility and encouragement for each member of our team. He has already provided and proven faithful in bringing us to Bogota and home to spaghetti dinner tonight preared by our wonderful friend, Berta and her granddaughter, Laura.

The story of Jose and recreating his tie dye tunic amidst singing and piggybacking with Simon, Laura, Gian Marco and the other children who come to the Afanador's Fundacion Internacional Maranata will continue to be a part of our experience in the coming days. Please pray for these children and the interactions between them and our team, for healing and learning and joy.

The team is exhausted but presently making raucous playing games together; all will surely be glad for a good night's rest. Que Dios les bendiga y les guarde.


more pictures to follow :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011